Scholarships for staff's children for entrance exams

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Scholarships for Staff's Children for Entrance Exams

      On 2nd September, Hubei QuGu International Agricultural Group held a ceremony for all staff to distribute incentive money to the children of staff who entered university in 2024.
       At the ceremony, Li Zhenglun, chairman of Qugu Group, awarded the reward money to the outstanding students of the college entrance examination, and Hu Zhaoxing, deputy general manager of the group and chairman of the labour union, sent his blessings to the students on behalf of the group's general manager's office and the labour union. And encouraged the award-winning students to study hard in their future college life, master their skills, become useful talents to the society, and use what they have learnt to give back to the society and their hometown.

      The ceremony rewarded a total of eight college students, two of whom were admitted to 985 and 211 colleges and universities (RMB 5,000 per person), and six were admitted to other colleges and universities recognised by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (RMB 3,000 per person), with a total of RMB 28,000 in reward funds distributed.

      This incentive policy aims to enhance the sense of belonging of employees to the enterprise, further enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, and reduce the burden of employees' families. Motivate all employees' children to love learning, strive for excellence, better success. At the same time also reflects the group's concern and support for education at zigui county, to create a good atmosphere of the whole society to care and support the cause of education.

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